Saturday, June 18, 2011

Amped Fitness Day: 2 Boot Camp 5th Street West Folly Beach

Amped Fitness held it's second day of beach boot camps on Folly Wednesday, June 15th. The second beach workout session of the day began at 7 PM just around the time high tide was in full swing. The tide was high and so were the spirits of fitness instructor JP Zengerle and the attending group. Beach space was a bit more limited than the first session at 9 AM but that didnt stop Amped Fitness!

Quote of the Day: "You can do it, and you will!" - Amped Fitness tag line

Tip of the day: The importance of water and the negative effects of dehydration on the body.

Please join us next week at any of our 4 available sessions Monday and Wednesday 9:00 AM sessions and 7:00 PM sessions on 5th Street West on Folly Beach.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Amped Fitness Premier Boot Camp on Folly Beach

Amped Fitness hosted it's first boot camp on Folly Beach in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina! The boot camp ran from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, an hour of intense physical exercise. Today the sun came out to play with weather forecasts expecting record high heat upwards of around 96 degrees! There were 6 members who sweated it out and endured the beach workout pushing themselves to the limit! Amped Fitness made such an impression on Folly we were even able to pull in some vacationers to workout with us and start their day off right. We will be hosting our second session at 7:00 PM when we expect an even larger group of attendees ready to get amped!

Every boot camp we start off with a quote of the day and finish with a tip of the day.

Todays quote: "You get out what you put in to it"

Tip of the day: The importance of eating breakfast.

Stay tuned and follow our blog for frequent updates, pictures and information as Amped Fitness continues to grow and expand in the greater Charleston, SC area. Please check out our website for additional information on upcoming boot camps and our one on one and small group personal training at